We were admitted to the ward around 9pm and we were prepared for a lot of guests coming in the next day.That night, the husband was already snoring away that he don’t realise the nurses coming in and out of our room checking on me. From morning till night, both side of our family came to visit, aunties and uncles. Poor thing the baby girl had to be in and out of the nursery.
Post natal blues is real. Breastfeeding is hard. Cried a lot of times and my milk supply is just insufficient. We had to support with formula. Whenever I pumped, I only had 10-20ml of milk. If I’m lucky, I have 40-60ml. I had my aunt to do the post natal massage for a month. 2 weeks after that the husband got his Class 3 licence. Coincidentally, his demerit points is the same as the birthdate of our baby.
Alhamdullilah we’ve matched up with the govt baby bonus. So at least now, we could focus on her insurance savings annually. We’re trying to source for a jewellery probably a necklace for me which we could engrave all our names.
We’ll be going to Umrah with the baby in Nov, when she’s 3 months old. It sounds like a crazy idea eh? This was planned way back earlier in Feb when we had a big family BBQ. My relatives were planning for an umrah trip. My uncle who was the organiser, was trying to recruit more of our relatives to fit the whole bus of 40 pax. My family decided to join in. However, me and the husband was kinda reluctant because the baby would be only 3 months. He was worried about the baby’s ear pressure in the plane during landing and take off.
Back then during the honeymoon, when we were on board Qatar, it always show us the direction towards the Kaabah on the screen and the husband commented, ‘one day we should go here’. We took quite awhile to make a decision before we eventually deposited to secure our seats. I figured, I’ve had everything. I graduated, had my honeymoon in Europe, had my dream wedding and a baby girl. If we don’t go now, we prolly wouldn’t have the financial capability to do it in future with the housing and children expenses.
Furthermore, we could count on our relatives and my family members to help us with our baby girl. So alhamdullilah,we are  excited yet worried. Some of my relatives are those whom I travelled together in umrah and they are frequent travellers of umrah and haj. Can’t wait for her aqiqah this upcoming Hari Raya Haji. According to our religion, aqiqah meat should be cooked and be given to feed the relatives/families/less fortunate to celebrate the birth of a baby. The mosque offered to cook and distribute them for us. ❤

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